Guard Your Grin: 5 Ways to Prevent Orthodontic Emergencies

September 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Casadysqortho @ 6:40 pm
Orthodontist with blue gloves examining patient's braces

Orthodontic emergencies have the potential to be painful, but they also can put a temporary pause on your teeth-straightening journey. So, it goes without saying that you want to protect your braces at all costs. Fortunately, you don’t need to do anything too complicated or cumbersome; here are five easy ways to prevent an orthodontic emergency!

Tip #1: Avoid Crunchy, Hard, and Sticky Foods

Although it can be a difficult transition, it’s important to eliminate raw nuts, croutons, popcorn, and other crunchy foods from your diet. That’s because the pressure they place on your brackets and wires can cause them to give, leaving you with broken braces. Fortunately, there are plenty of delicious foods that you can eat during your teeth-straightening journey, including soups, smoothies, and pasta.

Tip #2: Commit to a Solid Oral Hygiene Regimen

In short, it’s crucial that you consistently brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash throughout your orthodontic treatment. Otherwise, numerous oral health issues can develop – from a small cavity to advanced gum disease. Not only can these result in abnormal symptoms, like pain when biting down, but they also will bring your treatment to an immediate halt until the health of your smile has been restored.

Tip #3: Wear a Mouthguard If You Play Sports

Whether you play a contact sport, like football, or participate in a non-contact sport, like surfing, you need to wear a mouthguard. This is the best way to protect your braces (and your teeth!) from serious harm. If you don’t have one, talk to your orthodontist – they can have a custom one made for you.

Tip #4: Use Dental Wax

Broken brackets and loose wires are common orthodontic emergencies, but there are also others, like a protruding piece of metal that is cutting into the soft tissue in your mouth. To alleviate irritation and prevent mouth sores from developing, you should use dental wax to cover any sharp edges of your braces. You can even keep it in place throughout the day since it’s water-resistant!

Tip #5: Store Your Retainer (or Aligner) in the Same Place

A lost retainer or aligner is one of the most common orthodontic emergencies. After all, not wearing these orthodontic appliances can have serious consequences! The good news is that this situation is largely preventable with some good habits in place, like always putting your retainer or aligner in its designated storage case when you aren’t wearing it.

About the Doctor

Dr. Payam Ishani’s studies began at the University of Utah and the University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry. When it came time to pursue specialty training in orthodontics, he attended the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Even now, he pursues continuing education annually to stay abreast of the latest techniques. Plus, he is a certified Invisalign provider and a member of the American Association of Orthodontists! If you have any questions about life with braces or you’d like to schedule an appointment, visit his website or call (405) 254-5094.

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