3 Helpful Tips for Working with Braces

February 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Casadysqortho @ 10:55 pm
Woman in white tank top with braces

Traditional braces are the tried-and-true method for straightening smiles. Although we tend to associate them with our awkward teenage years, many adults need them later in life as their teeth continue to shift over time. If you’re a grownup getting braces, it’s not uncommon to feel concerned about how your work life might be impacted by the change. After all, you know that it’s important to care for your braces properly so that your treatment stays on schedule. Keep reading to learn 3 tips that can help you adjust to your orthodontics while on the job!

Tip #1: Create a Care Kit

Braces are a wonderful way to pull any misaligned teeth into their ideal placements, but the metal also tends to trap bits of food that you eat. This can be risky to your oral health because leftover particles attract harmful bacteria that contribute to issues like tooth decay and gum disease. You won’t want to risk waiting until you get home in the evening after work to clean off anything left over from that day’s lunch.

Instead, pack a care kit that you can leave in the office to keep your mouth healthy while you’re clocked in. Some helpful items include a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and flossers that are intended for use with braces. You might also add non-aspirin pain relievers like Tylenol or ibuprofen in case you experience any soreness while you adjust to having brackets on your teeth. It’s also helpful to have dental wax to cover any sharp edges.

Tip #2: Drink More Water

Another great way to flush unwanted germs from your mouth is by drinking plenty of water. If you’re used to nursing your coffee mug throughout the day, you might want to consider switching up your habits. Coffee contains caffeine which is a diuretic. It removes moisture from your body which unfortunately puts you at greater risk of having dry mouth. Because saliva is a natural defense against germs, if your mouth isn’t moist enough then you’re more likely to have oral issues.

If you’re having a hard time making the change, bring a water bottle with you to work and fill it up in the morning. That way you’ll have it on hand and won’t be as tempted to slip to the breakroom for more caffeine.

Tip #3: Watch What You Eat

There are some dietary restrictions you’ll need to follow to avoid breaking or damaging your braces. The metal brackets can break if you indulge in foods that are overly hard or sticky. Therefore, you may need to make some changes to your eating habits at work to accommodate your orthodontics. For example, you might want to pack your lunch and snacks and bring them with you instead of relying on what’s available in the vending machine. If you’re not sure you’ll be able to make your meals every day, try to find a go-to lunch location that serves foods you know won’t harm your braces.

These minor changes can make a world of difference in keeping your braces in good condition while you work!

About the Author

Dr. Payam Ishani takes pride in using his skills to help patients of all ages feel healthier, happier, and more confident in their smiles. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the University of Utah before he graduated from the University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry. From there, he completed specialty training in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. If you’d like to straighten your teeth and aren’t sure where to start, you’re welcome to request a consultation on the website or by calling (405) 254-5094.

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